To the favourite roof I called my home

Recently, I had a dream about the apartment me and my family lived in Dubai for the first eight years (2000-2008). When I had visited Dubai in 2018, I had asked my father to take me to our old apartment just to look at it from outside. The three-storeyed brown building had turned browner withContinue reading “To the favourite roof I called my home”

Happy return of the flicker

Do you sometimes find yourself in a slump? When you have the urge to get your creative juices going but find yourself at a dead end. The beats don’t twitch you to dance, strings of your instrument are catching spirals of grey dust, the finest pencils are left in a corner to go blunt, and theContinue reading “Happy return of the flicker”

Emptiness in a glass half full

After a month of such a wonderful experience – the rhythmic churning of my mind to speak loud and bringing in the big guns to form beautiful lines of expressions and feelings, I felt pumped. In the end I felt bad that April had only 30 days!  But I am back after a week. InContinue reading “Emptiness in a glass half full”

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